Babysitter Phone Sex


Hiya, little boy. I’m Parker, your new phone sex babysitter!

I know you’ve just been waiting for me, haven’t you? *Giggles* We’re going to have SO much fun together, I promise! I just love to play with a little adult baby like you!

One of my cute little abies called me just a few minutes ago. He was a very, very naughty boy and came in his Pull-Ups without my permission! Of course, he had to be punished for that.

So you wanna know what I did with him? I put him in baby diapers, and I made him suck on his pacifier and tell me how hard it made his little dickie to wear those diapers. He might have a little bit of a diaper fetish. *Wink* It was so much fun to make him rub that little dickie until he made a new wet spot in his diaper.

Babysitter phone sex is awesome! I can’t wait to do it with you, so give me a call at 1-888-662-6482 for cheap phone sex.

AIM: prettyparker69

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