Sensual Domination Phone Sex

Good afternoon, gentlemen. The sensual Domme you have been waiting for has finally arrived.

I’m Vivika, a mature, intelligent lady and lover of sensual domination.

But what can you do for me, Vivika, you might ask. That depends entirely upon your own interests. Some of my favorites include feminization, adult baby, foot fetish, and cuckolding. That is by no means a comprehensive list. If it is erotic, then Ms. Vivika will try it.

One could say I am a fetishist, and one’s assessment would certainly not be inaccurate. I do so love stocking fetish phone sex, for example.

My list of fetishes hardly stops there. This blog entry, however, should. In which case, gentlemen, you should call me to learn more. I look forward to speaking with each and every one of you.


Yahoo: milfvivika

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