Erotic Hypnosis with Goddess Erica

erotic hypnosis phone sex

I had the absolute BEST erotic hynosis call with B the other night. He was a super sexy hot thing who just totally relaxed and bent to my will. He had never tried it before which always make me take a deep breath because I want them to LOVE it!!!! Well he LOVED it — called back for an additional 10 minutes after the call was over just to chat and tell me how great it was.

Erotic hypnosis is not a short call. I can barely do it in 30 minutes so it was great that he bought a longer call so he could experience all that it has to offer.

In fact, he liked it so much that he called back last night to have another go at it. And again, told me how totally awesome it was!!! So SMOOOCHES to him — he was totally fun!!


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