Accomplice Phone Sex

Fellow Phone Sex Deviants Hello

My fingers find their way to the blog after a few gloriously dark phone sex calls worthy of mentioning. Well with a few edits of course. For not everyone shares my ferocious appetite for sexual things nasty in nature. Which is fine. I shall not force my dark desires upon you. Well in a blog anyways. On the phone is rather different.

Though this blog isnt about what I will or wont do, its merely to highlight a particular call that I got to enjoy with another fellow dark soul. MrP, who loves to dive into an accomplice scenario. Sometimes he has a vision of innocent already in his mind that he wishes to take from some serene location and other times he leaves it up to me to describe the perfect victim and local.

Some times we get lost in the setting of the scene and other times our accomplice role play takes place after the capture. Either way it makes for the most darkest of phone sex scenarios and gets my sexual juices flowing.

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